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stumble out中文是什么意思

用"stumble out"造句"stumble out"怎么读"stumble out" in a sentence


  • vi.跌跌撞撞地走出


  • So i stumbled out into dreary snowy oswiecim .
  • He made his way to the door; he came back for his handkerchief, he stumbled out .
  • *stumble out of bed and out the door
  • stumble out of bed and out the door
  • My words 3 ) stumbled out something like that in my attempt to answer her confused questioning
  • He waited for a long time until the nightclub was about to close before a man finally stumbled out
  • Yet it is safe to say he will not be photographed stumbling out of manchester's swankiest bars in the early hours
  • Akiha stumbles out a few abortive sentences; shiki ogles her figure for a while, before eventually concluding aloud that she's as flat-chested as she always was
  • "the people managed to stumble out of the car but they were just overcome by bees, " he said . the incident occurred on monday . he said the woman died at the scene while her husband was recovering in hospital
  • He was trying to say something, his face blurred by my angry tears, but i couldn't hear him, for i was now backing and stumbling out of the store, my temples throbbing with the most awful humiliation i had ever felt
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